Molly Manners Dining Etiquette

Children learn table manners with hands-on practical. Enjoy yummy food in a warm, cosy setting. Please note this is not a formal dining etiquette workshop, but one with three course meal and fun activities.
Private Coaching

We offer a personal coaching service for small groups of teenagers (minimum 2, maximum 6) aged 13 to 18 years. In this session, a personal etiquette trainer will sit with, and guide your teen(s) over a three-course Western meal at a chosen restaurant.
Molly Manners Moms

Our Molly Manners Moms community
A community of moms ( yes moms of young toddlers and mom of teens) mixed aged, getting together to share ideas and resources. Moms who care about the character development of their precious kids, or would like resources and tips on how to do so.
Upcoming Classes 2023

Molly Manners Intensive, Aged 8 to 12
Over two days, children cover the full Molly Manners curriculum, plus modules on Anti-Bullying, Confidence-Building and Grit.